.. _filter: Filtering Test Data =================== You can filter the documented test-data by using the directives `needlist `_, `needtable `_ and `needflow `_. These filter functions and others are provided by the Sphinx extension `Sphinx-Needs `_. Take a look to figure out what else is possible to customize your way of working with test cases. .. contents:: Contents :local: Filterable data --------------- ``Sphinx-Test-Reports`` adds to following data to a sphinx-need-configuration: * **Types** * test-file * test_suite * test_case * **Options** * **file**: Test file path. * **suite**: Test suite name. * **case**: Test case name. * **suites**: Amount of test suites found inside a test file. * **cases**: Amount of test cases found inside a test file. * **passed**: Amount of passed test cases. * **skipped**: Amount of skipped test cases. * **errors**: Amount of test cases with errors during execution. * **failed**: Amount of failed test cases. Not all options are set for all created needs. E.g. ``test_file`` doesn't include ``case``, as it is not related to a single test case. The filtering possibilities are really powerful, so take a look into `Filtering needs `_ to figure out how to get most out of your test data. .. _needtable_filter: needtable - A table for all tests --------------------------------- ``needtable`` provides a feature-rich table of the needed test data. Use it like:: .. needtable:: :types: Test-File :columns: id, file, suites, cases, passed We set ``types`` to ``test_file`` to document needs-objects from this type only. ``Sphinx-Test-Reports`` provides also ``test_suite`` and ``test_case``. With ``columns`` we can specify which data of a ``test_file`` we want to see. **Example** .. needtable:: :types: Test-File :columns: id, file, suites, cases, passed .. _needlist_filter: needlist - A simple list ------------------------ ``needlist`` provides a simple list of the filtered test-needs. The filter possibilities are the same as for :ref:`needtable ` and :ref:`needflow `. Usage:: .. needlist:: :types: Test-File :filter: cases.isdigit() and int(cases) > 4 ``filter`` supports complex-filter operations by using a Python-statement. In this case, we check that the ``cases`` value contains a number and this number must ne bigger as 4. Take a look into the `Filter string section `_ of the Sphinx-Needs documentations for more details and ideas how to use it. **Example** .. needlist:: :types: Test-File :filter: cases.isdigit() and int(cases) >= 5 .. _needflow_filter: needflow - Flow charts of linked test data ------------------------------------------ ``needflow`` draws a picture of the filtered need-objects and their connections/links. .. note:: This features needs the installed and configured sphinx-extension `sphinxcontrib-plantuml `_. Usage:: .. needflow:: :types: Test-File, Test-Suite, Test-Case :filter: len(links) > 0 or len(links_back) > 0 The used ``:filter:`` allows needs only, if they have an outgoing or incoming link. **Example** .. .. needflow:: :types: Test-File, Test-Suite, Test-Case :filter: (len(links) > 0 or len(links_back) > 0) and "example" not in tags and "auto" not in tags and "pytest_sphinx" not in tags