.. _example_pytest: pytest ====== The data is coming from a pytest-run on the tests of the sphinx project. | Test suites: :need_count:`'pytest_sphinx' in tags and type=='testsuite'` | Test cases: :need_count:`'pytest_sphinx' in tags and type=='testcase'` | Failed test cases: :need_count:`'pytest_sphinx' in tags and 'failure' == result and type=='testcase'` | Skipped test cases: :need_count:`'pytest_sphinx' in tags and 'skipped' == result and type=='testcase'` **Failed test cases**: .. needtable:: :filter: 'pytest_sphinx' in tags and 'failure' == result :columns: id, title, result :style: table :style_row: tr_[[copy('result')]] **Skipped test cases**: .. needtable:: :filter: 'pytest_sphinx' in tags and 'skipped' == result :columns: id, title, result :style: table :style_row: tr_[[copy('result')]] Imported data ------------- .. test-file:: pytest Sphinx data :id: SPHINX :tags: pytest_sphinx :file: ../tests/doc_test/utils/pytest_sphinx_data.xml :auto_suites: :auto_cases: