
The following options can be set inside the file of your Sphinx project.


tr_rootdir takes a path, which is used as root dir for all provided file paths in other directives.

By default tr_rootdir contains the configuration folder of your Sphinx project (The one with in it).


tr_file allows to specify a custom directive name and need-configuration for test-file.

Instead of using .. test-file:: you may want to use .. test-path::.

It may get also important to solve directive name conflicts with other Sphinx extensions.

By default tr_file is set to:

['test-file', 'testfile', 'Test-File', 'TF_', '#ffffff', 'node']

All of the following arguments must be set:

  1. directive name

  2. need directive name

  3. need print name

  4. need id prefix

  5. need collor

  6. need plantuml style

The parameters 2-6 are used to configure the underlying Sphinx-needs. See it’s documentation about needs_types for more details.


tr_suite allows to specify a custom directive name and need-configuration for test-suite.

Instead of using .. test-suite:: you may want to use .. test-container::.

By default tr_suite is set to:

['test-suite', 'testsuite', 'Test-Suite', 'TS_', '#cccccc', 'node']

Please read tr_file for more details.


tr_case allows to specify a custom directive name and need-configuration for test-case.

Instead of using .. test-case:: you may want to use .. test-run::.

By default tr_case is set to:

['test-case', 'testcase', 'Test-Case', 'TC_', '#999999', 'node']

Please read tr_file for more details.


tr_report_template allows to specify a custom template for testcase visualisation. Provide a relative path (from or provide an absolute path to your template.

A simple example with a scrambled order:

**Test file**: {file}

**Template used**: {template_path}

**Imported data**

.. {file_type}:: {title}
   :id: {id}{links_string}
   :tags: {tags}
   :file: {file}


**Test cases**:

.. needtable::
   :filter: '{id}' in tags and type == '{case_need}'
   :columns: id, title, result
   :style_row: tr_[[copy('result')]]

**Failed test cases**:

.. needtable::
   :filter: '{id}' in tags and 'failure' == result
   :columns: id, title, result
   :style_row: tr_[[copy('result')]]

**Skipped test cases**:

.. needtable::
   :filter: '{id}' in tags and 'skipped' == result
   :columns: id, title, result
   :style_row: tr_[[copy('result')]]


| Test suites: :need_count:`'{id}' in tags and type=='{suite_need}'`
| Test cases: :need_count:`'{id}' in tags and type=='{case_need}'`
| Failed test cases: :need_count:`'{id}' in tags and 'failure' == result and type=='{case_need}'`
| Skipped test cases: :need_count:`'{id}' in tags and 'skipped' == result and type=='{case_need}'`

The following rst-code is used to generate the report.

.. literalinclude:: ../custom_test_report_template.txt
   :language: rst


New in version 1.0.1.

Defines the length of the calculated ID for test suites.

This may be needed, if a junit-xml files contains many test suites.

Default: 3


New in version 1.0.1.

Defines the length of the calculated ID for test cases.

This may be needed, if a junit-xml files contains many test cases.

Default: 5


New in version 1.0.3.

Defines the encoding for imported files, e.g. in custom templates.

Default: utf8